Hi, my name is Alex Korban. I created this web site and wrote the C++11/14 Rocks books because I’m excited about C++11 and C++14, and I want to promote the use of modern C++.
I found that there were no books which focused specifically on C++11/14, and I’ve created the C++11/14 Rocks book series as a result. The series has expanded to include Visual Studio, GCC and Clang specific editions over the years.
I’ve been crafting software for over 12 years, and I’ve been advocating the use of modern C++, STL and Boost for a long time.
I have worked for a range of companies, from web startups to a US multinational, and on a variety of C++ projects including a flight simulator, geospatial applications, computer controlled bulldozer blades, and even software driven kerb laying machines (these 4 metre tall beasts are very cool to see in action!).