Visual Studio edition

GCC edition This edition covers all the C++11 and C++14 language and library changes implemented in VS2013, and includes descriptions of compiler-specific bugs.

Compiler version: Visual Studio 2013

Topics: Language features, library features, compiler bugs

Language level: C++11 and C++14

More about this edition

GCC edition

GCC edition

Get the lowdown on all of the C++11 language features.

Compiler version: GCC 4.8.1 and above

Topics: Language features only

Language level: C++11; C++14 as an overview

More about this edition

Clang edition

GCC edition

Get the lowdown on all of the C++11 and C++14 language features.

Compiler version: Clang 3.4 and above

Topics: Language features only

Language level: C++11 and C++14

More about this edition


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